
Monday, September 19, 2005

some quality Julie-time! 

Julie enjoys pastries

So I got to meet Julie on Saturday! YOU ARE JEALOUS!

Julie and her friend Leenie came over aroun 3:30, after I marathon worked out, went to the lab, and cleeeeaned my disgusting, dog hair covered abode. We chatted for a bit and exchanged gifts. She got me the Wiccy Magic Muscles bar! HOORAY! I can't wait to make Kev use it on me. My back is is soooooore!

I got her two balls of a beautiful mohair blend yarn from Artful yarns, colored in greens and turquoises. So pretty, I wanted to keep them for myself! But I know Julie will make something really cool out of them.

We hung out for a bit, did some Sadie wrestling...

Sadie wrastlin'

and massaging...

doggy massage

we headed to the Dekalb County Farmer's Market, and Julie and Leenie...well, watched me shop. Julie bought some raspberry flavored dried cranberries AND she bought me a bottle of wine! And yummy pastries for me and Kev, and a turnover for herself (see first pic above - she couldn't even wait until we got home!) Leenie bought grapes and some bakery treats for her friends.

I bought...a lot. The farmer's market bag got it's first real workout. The checkout guy crammed it full of my purchases, which incluced red peppers and onions and some skirt steaks for fajitas. Then back to the condo for margaritas, daquiris, and STEAK FAJITAS, BABY!

I felt a little like a less entertaining Alton Brown, as Julie and Leenie sipped their drinks and watched me chop the veggies and marinate the skirt steaks. I hope it turned out OK! There was nothing left after the vultures got through except for some peppers onions, and some shredded cheese.

We had planned to check out the ultimate in redneck entertainment: the stone mountain laser show, but by the time we started eating, we would have had to be there already. Oh well...

So we just hung out and chatted and watched some bizzare UFC shows on SpikeTV. Homoerotic fun! We stayed up far too long chatting, and poor Leenie looked exhausted. She still had to drive herself and Julie back up to the 'burbs! So big hugs all around and they were gone. And I ate half my brownie from the farmer's market (THANKS JULIE! SOOOO GOOOOD!) and pretty much passed out.

My impression of Julie: what you see (or read) is what you get. She's every bit as cool and laid back as she comes of in her blog. Very funny, and full of good stories about....ummm...I'm probaby not allowed to say. And even though I teased her about the decision making rock she bought earlier that day, she still seemed to enjoy herself! Even Kev enjoyed himself, and that's after ALREADY forcing him to be social friday night. TWO SOCIAL NIGHTS IN A ROW! HE'S SCARRED FOR LIFE! Anyway, I would totally recommend Julie to all my friends. Two thumbs up, all the way. Everyone! Go meet Julie!

I had hoped we could hang out a little before she left on tuesday, but as I haven't heard from her, I guess not. Oh no...what if I gave her food poisoning?? OH CRAP! JULIE! ARE YOU OK????

Sunday I PASSED OUT after church, work, and errands. I rarely left the couch (except to make some tagliatelle with gorgonzolla sauce....mmmmm....). Today I STILL feel a bit hungover.

Other random bits:
-> comcast cable is up and running. Kev talked to a technician on the phone, and eventually got it all figured out. today I did the dreaded cancelling of the DSL. I hate talking to BellSouth. No, I DON'T want to keep DSL at a discount, NO I DON'T want a free 30 day side by side comparison period...JUST SHUT THE DAMNED THING OFF!!!!

-> The oh so exiting news that I might get another paper took a bad hit today. Part of the "easy" part of this side project was that all the strains were already created by another lab. We just had to email and request time. Well, it turns out the head of that lab isn't sure he still has them. Seems that his lab generally doesn't keep strains, they just remake them whenever they need them.




First of all...the WEEKS AND MONTHS WASTED REMAKING STRAINS must KILL his lab's productivity. SECOND OF ALL....I'm pretty sure that's unethical!!! Once you publish your work, it needs to be available to the community, to verify, to further the research, etc.

If all the strains have to be remade, than this is NOT a project for me. It would take far too long.

Still possible he could find the strains...but I'm not holding my breath.

(a note to DrJim: it's not a protein 2D gel, it's a DNA gel. And the new technique will be able to easily tell us where replication forks are coming from through whatever and where ever your favorite gene is)

-> Just found out that my best friend since middle school is probably going to be moving to Boston soon. Her boyfriend just got a job up there, so as soon as he's done with school, he'll go. She'll follow, probably sometime after January.

And again I say...WHAT THE FUCK??? Everyone's moving to Boston! STUPID BOSTON! STOP STEALING MY FRIENDS!

Seriously, it just means I'll have to visit Boston alot. Maybe meet some more bloggers?
