
Thursday, August 05, 2004

Lazy bitch! 

I am a terrible person. This poor real estate guy probably hates me now. He was supposed to come over monday to look at my condo. I didn't get it cleaned in time, so I came up with a work excuse to reschedule to tomorrow morning.

did I clean this week? no, not really. I cleaned all the stuff off the dining room table, that's about it.

aside rant: the only purpose my dining room table serves is as a place to put stuff. we never eat there. we eat on the couch. we should get rid of the table and put something cool there instead, like fooseball or a pool table.

So I just called to cancel. Because I'm...uh..sick. Yeah, sick (cough cough). Poor me.

I am the Worst. Person. Ever. And the laziest.

I am a lazy bitch.
