
Wednesday, June 02, 2004


Looked at my blots today after 3 hours of development. I can see one dark spot for each sample, but not the arcs that would imply replication intermediates. That's OK. SJR and NK said that for southerns it's not uncommon to let the blots develop for up to two weeks! I'm going to look again tomorrow, and if I still don't see anything, let it go for two weeks. This will be annoying, though, since SJR popped in once an hour today "is it done yet? do you see anything?" It's nice to have the interesting project for once, but it's a royal pain in the ass when your advisor feels the need to micromanage it.

See, the world of science is not so different from the land of suits and proper jobs :)

I have a headache and I'm tired, which does not bode well for choir practice tonight (yes, more "purple headed mountains" to sing about...).

I am the last person left in the lab. Actually, I don't think there's anyone else left in the three labs that occupy this space. Everything's quiet but the hum of various refrigerators and incubators. Normally this is a time when I get lots of work done. When everyone's gone, and no one can ask your advice, or ask you to fix something, or just get in the way.

Sounds pretty anti-social, doesn't it? It just seems like the attitude of the lab has changed so much the past year. We used to be such a close knit group of people. There were three of us grad students, a post-doc, and a head tech. The atmosphere was very friendly. Then one of the students left, we got another student, then the post doc left and we got another one...BM is writing, so she's never around much (plus she's having severe anxiety issues about writine. Poor BM, I hope her new prescription helps!), and the newer people are just more serious. Not that I'm not serious about work, but nobody cares about anythings else anymore. Case in point: my first day back at work after my three day trip to tybee island. I came in, said good morning (only the two "newer" people were in), got some grunts in response. Figured they were busy. That's OK. After about 20 minutes of continued silence, I decided to mention what I good time I had over the weekend. This time not even a grunt from either one. When BM and the head tech got in, they immediately grilled me on how my weekend was, what we did, how drunk we were, etc etc. It's not that I expect everyone to drop everything and listen to me at a moment's notice, but still... I always make sure I ask people how there weekends were, or if they had any exciting plans for the next weekend. Because I care, goddamnit! It's not that AA and NK are rude...they're just not very nice. Actually AA has her days, but NK only perks up if you ask her about her cat. And at this point, I'm sick to death of hearing about her stupid cat!

I'm just being whiney, I know. I won't always work in a friendly place where everyone cares for and nurtures one another. I just miss it, that's all.
