
Monday, June 07, 2004


Yay! BM is back in the lab...for now. The atmosphere has lightened because of it, I think. The doctor put her back on non-generic paxil, and until that kicks in, supplemented with adavan (sp?)to take care of the attacks. Meaning that she's functional enough to work on writing. I'm just glad she's feeling better. I hate to see people I care about suffer, and she was SUFFERING! Hope her and R can make it to to game night party at the end of the month. Very excited about that, haven't played hostess since...New Year's day! I love being a hostess :) Probably because I like to feed people - something I got from my grandmother.

Speaking of feeding people - GREAT and easy chicken recipe - Melt-in-Your-Mouth Braised and Barbecued Chicken
Made it on sunday, and there was enough for both K and I to take leftovers for lunch. I think he likes bragging at work about his gf's cooking, and I love it that he brags about me. Well, at least he's bragging about something that's not the size of my boobs! (though I am proud of those as well :)

Going to try a new dog park in the area, once the weather clears up. I've been neglecting Sadie terribly (bad mommy!) Did get her to the usual park yesterday, but couldn't today because of the rain.

Sigh. Insert witty comments here. Oh, don't be surprised if you hear about the suicide rate going up in atlanta, because EVERY DAMN PEDESTRIAN IN ATLANTA SEEMS TO WANT TO HURL THEMSELVES IN FRONT OF MY SPEEDING CAR!!!! Doesn't anyone remember that you're supposed to look both ways before crossing the street? Didn't we learn that in kindergarten? Then they give me a look like I'M the crazy one. Well, excuse me if I didn't slow down for you, your majesty, but the light was green, and your sign said "don't walk" so who's really the victim here? You with the self-righteously shocked look, or me with the HEART ATTACK? Can you not find a better way of ending your life than in front of my poor ford escort ZX2 with the dented front side where the LAST cyclist tried to commit suicide? (he was riding on the sidewalk - illegal! - and didn't stop or look when he tried to speed across the narrow parking lot exit that I had just started to pull up to (basically a narrow alleyway between two businesses. I had pulled up and stopped to look before attempting a right turn) he shook himself off and sped away before I realized that not only did I not hit him, he hit ME and there was a HUGE DENT IN MY CAR!!! but that was november and I'm completely over it...except that every day I have to look at the HUGE DENT IN MY CAR FROM THAT ASSHOLE CYCLIST WHO WAS ILLEGALLY RIDING ON THE SIDEWALK!!! I'm not bitter in any way.
