
Tuesday, June 01, 2004

Food glorious food...(burp) 

Used radioactivity for the first time today - successfully. I had to label my probe, then hybridize with the blot. Very stressful! There's these plexiglass screens you have to keep behind, with your arms on either side of them. And every time you finish a step, you have to wave the gieger counter over everything to make sure you didn't contaminate the equiment. I'm not glowing, so I guess I did OK. Tomorrow I'll take down the blots and see what's what. If several weeks of preparation were for nothing. Then I get to do it all over again "for real." AUUUUUUUGH!

Wish I had something witty or interesting to say. It's tuesday, but feels like monday (for obvious reasons) and I'm just too....blah...to think of anything. Also, I'm still full from lunch. Tomorrow is our tech's last day, and we always mark these occasions with food. Today at journal club we ordered lunch from Moe's. For those of you not familiar with Moe's, I can explain it like this: think Subway, only with HUGE BURRITOS! They make everything there in front of you. And everything has a cute TV pop culture name, like "art vandalay" (veggie bean burrito) and "ungly naked guy." (veggie taco with guacamole) I had a chicken salad (a "close talker") which is basically everything in a chicken burrito dumped over a bed of lettuce, service in a fried flour tortilla bowl. Heaven. To top it off, SOMEBODY brought in dunkin donuts. AND BM got back from San Diego and brought in a bag of ghirardelli chocolates. NK also brought in a fruit tart, but I was afraid to try any in case it had nuts in the shell(left the shots at home today)

This is the downside to working in a lab of all women - a diet is impossible, there is ALWAYS food around. And it's usually not healthy. And because my desk is in the middle, it always ends up there. Right now, the bag of chocolates is sitting inches away...taunting me. No! I've already had two! Plus I just ate a donut! (my second today...waaah!) Evil.


Well, maybe just one more...
